Delicious simple hiking snack you can make at home cheap

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The worlds BEST delicious simple hiking snack! With 5 simple ingredients, and 10-15 minutes and you will hit the trail a happy camper! You must try this ridiculously easy yet amazing hiking snack! There are many options for snacks to take on the trail with you. Have you ever wanted to make your own? This can be even cheaper than buying prepackaged snacks, with the added perk- you can put your own spin on it! Below is the simple easy recipe including a youtube video link under one minute long. 5 ingredients, snack bags, about 10 minutes and you will have in my humble opinion…the BEST hiking snack on the planet!

I love trail mix. There has to be a reason it is so popular. Even the name “Trail” mix. The two seem inseparable. However, have you ever wondered why there are relatively few variations? I know I want to be healthy with my snack while hiking, yet I crave some goodies too. M&M’s are good dont get me wrong. But what about…. Peanut Butter M&M’s!? Now we are talking. Simple yet profound, it changed my hiking essentials forever! I will hardly go hiking without this simple snack accompanying me, it just does not seem to come back with me… puzzling. But with this delicious simple hiking snack recipe, I can create it all over again. Enjoy!


Delicious best 
simple hiking snack ingredients

Additional Items Needed

Delicious Hiking Snack Recipe

Watch on our Youtube channel here.

This is very straight forward. You will need a large bowl to mix the ingredients. And if you have a food grade funnel (you may have a canning funnel or a 2 liter soda bottle top can be cut off cleaned and then used) it will make getting the snack packaged easier.

Pour all of the ingredients into a large bowl, shake it until mixed well. Place a bag under the funnel and pour in the divine goodness in desired quantity. I recommend 3/4 cup portions.

Tip: Make this your own, add ingredients you like (ex: raisins, Chex mix, etc.) Also if you like one thing especially well, adjust the ratios.

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