Affiliate Disclosure Page
This affiliate disclosure page details the affiliate relationships that Wilderness Wanderers has with other products and companies.
In compliance with FTC guidelines, please assume the following about all links, posts, and other material on this website:
This website uses affiliate links. When these links are clicked on, Wilderness Wanderers receives a small commission from the qualifying sales, at not extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Affiliate Links
Affiliate links are special links to specific products or pages that use a tracking code. Wilderness Wanderers may earn a small commission from the sale of an item purchased through one of these links. The price remains the same for you, whether you use the affiliate link of not. Using these affiliate links helps cover the cost of running this website and to support us.
Not all links on our pages and blog posts are affiliate links, but for simplicity’s sake, please assume that they are and that we may make a commission if you purchase through them.
Our Use of Affiliate Links
When we use an affiliate link, it is to an item that we have personally purchased, used, and enjoyed, unless stated otherwise. We may at time link to items that have been highly recommended to us by others. When this is the case, it is noted. Our goal is to share products, programs, and equipment that have truly benefited us and that we feel others could benefit from too.
Notes about Affiliate Programs, Products, and Links
These products are purchased from third party companies in most cases, unless stated otherwise. We have no control over them, their quality, their shipping practices, or any other aspect of their business. Any problems that may arise or concerns about a specific product purchased through a link on this website should be directed to the company it was purchased from.